Kovurt’s Grand Unification For Privacy Is Completed

Kovurt logoAttention Kovurt Agents: The Grand Unification has finished! Now all Kovurt usernames and passwords are unified across all our services.

What does this mean for you?

It means two things:

1) If you previously had separate username and password combinations for logging into the support website, the mobile app, and the software on your laptop/desktop, you now have only 1 username and 1 password to worry about.

Your new username is the email address you used to originally register at Kovurt. Your new password can now be reset here.

2) You should download the new Mac and PC software from the Downloads area if you use Kovurt’s service on your laptop or desktop. It’s best to first uninstall your old Kovurt software before upgrading. After you install the new software, you will find some nice surprises — we added more global locations!

Many thanks for your patience the past week as we pushed through these great security enhancements. As always, let us know if you have questions or comments.

Be safe!