iOS 10 and macOS Sierra Will Remove PPTP VPN

If you are a Mac, iPad, or iPhone user, the update next month for iOS 10 and macOS Sierra will have some impact on you. In the new iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, PPTP VPN connections will not be allowed.

Is Your VPN Connection Stable And Fast?

How fast is your broadband or wireless connection? How fast is your connection when you use Kovurt’s VPN services? We have added a great new connection speed test that you can use to check the stability and speed of all

Bitcoin Users Get 50% Discount Off All Kovurt VPN Services

Bitcoin is surging in recent weeks, and personal data privacy is now more important than ever. Kovurt’s Internet Privacy Fix is now valuable to all Bitcoin users with a whopping 50% discount!

Newest Kovurt For Mac App Introduces Better TCP/UDP Connections

We just updated the Mac OS X app to version 5.4! If you have version 5.3 or previous versions installed, your Mac laptop or desktop will prompt you to install this latest version. Please follow the instructions, and your latest

Kovurt Is Ready For Windows 10!

Are you using a Windows PC, tablet, or Windows Phone? Microsoft’s Windows 10 began downloading to global users over the past 24 hours, and Kovurt has been preparing for this day for many months! The current version of Kovurt’s software

Use Your Kovurt Agent Activation Card Soon!

Did you hold a Kovurt Agent Activation Card with a red stripe on the back? Scratch-off the back of the card and enlist quickly before these cards expire on June 10, 2015! Your card entitles you to a free trial

Kovurt Is Preparing For Windows 10

Version is ready! The latest Kovurt for PC app was released today, and we updated the code signing certificate on the software with a new Comodo certification. That gives you increased security that the Kovurt app is legitimate and

Stay Private On World Consumer Rights Day With 50% Discount Off VPN Services

Security and privacy are important for all Internet consumers, and Kovurt’s VPN services are an important global part of keeping you private. March 15 is World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD), an annual occasion for celebration and solidarity within the international

Celebrate Chinese New Year 2015

Happy Chinese New Year and welcome the year of the goat! Celebrate by sending your friends the discount code “cny2015” for a 38% discount off any new Kovurt VPN service. Kovurt wants to keep all your friends safe and private

Kovurt’s Internet Privacy Giveaway Expands To Daily Offerings

Kovurt is an Internet Privacy Fix and has expanded its free VPN offerings to now daily giveaways. Each registered user is perpetually entered to earn free Kovurt Internet privacy services through the life of the program.